BG Events Group, NBA Experience Authorized Agency

Shoot with an NBA player
playground photo opportunity
meet with NBA legends
VIP Experiences

The NBA Experience

Are you a devoted NBA fan eager to live an unforgettable basketball experience ? 

BG Events Group has just what you need! We specialize in providing exclusive packages for sports enthusiasts seeking to create unique and unforgettable moments. We offer exceptional VIP packages for NBA games in Paris, including the NBA Paris Games, as well as for select official NBA games in the United States. 

We have the ability to offer you prime seats in the best arena locations, exclusive access to VIP areas, meetings with players, coaches, or NBA legends, photo sessions, and personalized souvenir gifts. Our team of VIP event professionals works closely with NBA organizers and teams to ensure you have an unforgettable and unparalleled NBA experience. We can also arrange private transfers, luxury accommodations, private dinners, and much more to turn your trip into a memorable occasion.

Need information about an event

Contact BG EVENTS, exclusive agency
official F1 on the French market


located in Nice, Cannes, Monaco, Marseille, Paris



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